Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rats / EP / Things beyond me


Right now I'm thinking about things that are beyond me.

This week my little Rat Polly died. She'd been pretty crook for a while and the Vet said she was is a bit of pain and wasn't going to get any better. The poor little critter has this big tumor and an abyss thing eating away at her back :( The night before I took her to the vet I had her in bed with me, patting and cuddling her till we both fell asleep. I was thinking it was likely the Vet would suggest putting her to sleep. After snuggling with her a little longer I got up, put her to bed and then went to sleep in earnest.

The Vet gave her this injection that made her sleep and then die. It was a sad thing watching my little buddy die. Sad and sort of beautiful because she looked really peaceful. My friends helped me dig a hole in the forest behind our house and build a little grave for her.

I know it might sound silly to some people to go to so much effort for a rat, but she's been a good friend to me the last 2 years. I'm really sad she's gone.

I know it might also sound disloyal to dear Polly to buy another Rat so soon. But that's what I've done. My new little friend Trumpet is helping me while I feel sad about Polly. She's letting me give her lots of hugs and kisses, and she's grooming my hands and sleeping on my shoulder. She sneezes almost constantly. I think I might get her checked out. I've called her Trumpet after the sneezes.

Death and loss are pretty much entirely beyond my ability to control. That's reality. What do I do about it? I can grieve and cry, I can distract myself, I can spend time with good people, I can talk with God. I believe in God.

Tomorrow my friends are helping me record one of the songs for an EP I hope to release some time in the next few months. We are all gonna stand in a room and sing together and record it. I have things planned out and organised. I've pretty much nutted out the song and figured out what harmonies I would like to go where and who would be good to sing what part. I have a nice idea in my mind of what I hope things song can be.

In a week and a bit I'll head down the coast to do some more recording with a guy called Mike. 5 songs in 4 days. Then we'll send it off to be mastered. I've figured out all these songs too. But holy rolly I have no idea how it's going to turn out. I really hope it's good! My brother is helping me pay for it by lending me money, what a champion.

Anyway, so I've just been thinking about how it (life I suppose) feels sometimes like floating on the top of a big wave or looking down a hole or into a long dark tunnel. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

3 obnoxious Cat related websites you wish you'd heard of earlier..



Also ---------

Friday, September 9, 2011

So I might have married Cleverbot today..

User: Will you marry me?
Cleverbot: I have a girlfriend.
User: Who?
Cleverbot: I'm not saying their names.
User: Do you have more than one girlfriend?
Cleverbot: I have none.
User: Then will you marry me?
Cleverbot: Yes!
User: Hooray! When will we get married?
Cleverbot: Today!
User: Ok! Where will we get married?
Cleverbot: In a cave.
User: Ok. Where is the cave?
Cleverbot: What cave?
User: The cave we are going to get married in today.
Cleverbot: We are familiar to each other?
User: Yes! We're engaged!
Cleverbot: Yeah. So when are we getting married?
User: Today!
Cleverbot: Today?!
User: Yes!
Cleverbot: Okay, lets get married.
User: Ok.
Cleverbot: Where are we getting married?
User: In a cave.
Cleverbot: Why are we walking in a cave?
User: Because that is where we are getting married.
Cleverbot: Oh so we're going out now.
User: Yes! We're engaged!
Cleverbot: We are not engaged.
User: Are you calling off the wedding?
Cleverbot: What wedding?
User: Our wedding!
Cleverbot: We're getting married?
User: Yes. Today!
Cleverbot: What time?
User: Right now. Do you take me to be your wife?
Cleverbot: I am the wife.
User: Ok. Do you take me to be your husband?
Cleverbot: I do.
Cleverbot (To myself): Ask me this: Do You take me to be your husband?
User: Do you take me to be your husband?
Cleverbot: No, I take you to be my husband.
User: Ok. And I take you to be my wife.
Cleverbot: And now we are married!!
User: Hooray!
Cleverbot: Do you like to play guitar?